wellness book
Living Beautifully: Creating a Holistic Lifestyle
Discover a holistic approach to everyday wellness and beauty. Written by Dubois Beauty founder, esthetician, and certified wellness practitioner Denise Dubois.
As day-to-day life gets more and more stressful, how do we build a lifestyle that supports our health and wellbeing? Living Beautifully is an eight-point guide to building a holistic lifestyle, written by a leader in the spa and wellness community.
Living Beautifully is written by Denise Dubois, owner of Complexions Spa and Founder of Dubois Beauty and Wellness.
Get a better understanding of your wellbeing. Start today with a free holistic wellbeing self-assessment tool.
Wellness Resources
Looking for more resources for Living Beautifully? Please see some of our favorite places for wellness information and inspiration.
- Institute for Integrative Nutrition: https://www.integrativenutrition.com/
- Nutritional Skincare Academy: https://www.nutritionalskincareacademy.com/
- The Center for Mindful Eating: https://thecenterformindfuleating.org/
- Dr. Mark Hyman: https://drhyman.com
- Japanese Bathing, from the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs: http://www.shinrin-yoku.org/
- Environmental Working Group: https://www.ewg.org/
- Vitamin A Skin Science by Dr. Des Fernandez and Dr. Ernst Eiselen